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In a world where people often judge the book by its cover, your pets accept you for who you are. Their love is unconditional. They are okay with your silences and are there for you, not just for your highs but also the lows. Whenever they see you weighed down by the burden of your troubles and hardship, they are beside you in an instant, wagging their tail, cheering you up.

Isn’t it beautiful how they hear what you have to say even when you are silent? Animals are quite the caretakers.

Let’s delve into the healing power of animals.

Healing with Pawsitivity

If you have a pet at home, you will notice, through the soothing purrs and loveable licks, something therapeutic about them that draws you. Whether you’re a cat lover or dog devotee, enjoying their adorable antics always helps you unwind and unravel.

Research suggests petting our cuddly companions for 10 minutes decreases the level of cortisol in our bodies. Cortisol is a hormone associated with stress.

Furthermore, animals, particularly dogs, have been used for therapy for decades. They help patients and people in nursing homes cope with their anxiety and day-to-day errands. Ann Berger, a physician and researcher at the NIH Clinical Center, acknowledges how dogs are incredibly attentive creatures.

From a grassroots level, children who grow up with a pet are set to have a developed sense of responsibility and compassion.

Humanity’s Best Friend

There is a strange yet fascinating connection that humans have with animals. Even the most brilliant of minds had a companion by their side; Sigmund Freud unraveled the mysteries of psychosis alongside his pet Chow Chow. Nikola Tesla quite literally found his inspiration to investigate electricity while petting his cat, Macak.

Hence, animals are not only a way for humans to heal and find companionship, but they also inspire humans to overcome their troubles and create wonders.

For A Brighter TOMORROW With Animals

To make your tomorrows brighter, let animals be your friends! In your animals, you can always find support; they can always be relied on. However, just as our furry friends are there for us when we need them, we must return the favor! Love them twice as much as they love you, take care of them, and make sure you provide them with a nurturing environment that helps them be their best selves.

Summing up the power of animals in our lives, author Lori Schneider pens an artistic and paw-tastic book that highlights the significance of animals. A Brighter TOMORROW is a collection of poetry that gives hope; your copy of the book awaits.

A Brighter TOMORROW is now available on Amazon.